Every year, the Apple Watch gains new functionality to more accurately monitor your health. For example, the Apple Watch Series 8 gained a new sensor that can track your temperature while you are asleep. There is also a new Cycle Tracking feature to help with family planning and period predictions. The Apple Watch is so capable that it can even perform tasks Apple doesn’t advertise, like alerting you to the fact that you’re pregnant.
Over the weekend, a Redditor shared a story about how her Apple Watch helped her realize that she was pregnant. She said that her resting heart rate normally sits around 57 bpm, but for the past 15 days, her Apple Watch was reading it as 72 bpm.
She noted that she goes to the gym and has healthy eating habits. It wasn’t COVID-19 and it wasn’t a cold, so what was causing her heart rate to spike?
After doing some research online, she read that an elevated heart rate can occur in the early stages of pregnancy. She took a pregnancy test. It was positive.
“The watch knew I was pregnant before I knew it!” the user wrote. “I would have never ever tested without wearing my watch because I haven’t had a period to be late on one!”
Apple might not have intended for this to happen, but it just goes to show the kind of impact the device can have. Here’s what the Redditor said about the experience:
I am freaking out as I am not ready for another baby but this allows me time to consider my options and think about what I am going to do. I know this might be an offbeat use for the watch but if you’re a woman of child rearing age and your watch shows a HR increase it might be worth it to test!
If Apple hasn’t done so already, it should probably get in touch with this woman and put her in the next Apple Watch commercial, because this is quite the story.
Source by bgr.com