Apple will unveil three Apple Watch models during next week’s iPhone 14 launch event. That’s what most reports say, at least. The Apple Watch Series 8 will be joined by a new Apple Watch SE version and a brand new Apple Watch Pro model. The Pro version will reportedly have an even larger screen and a different design than the others. But the Apple Watch Pro should still work with the regular bands you might already have from older Apple Watch models.
That’s according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, who said on Twitter that the Apple Watch Pro will support the older bands. However, it might not look very good while you’re wearing them.
The Apple Watch Pro is the unofficial name of Apple’s larger, more rugged Apple Watch coming this year. According to various reports, the wearable should feature a larger screen than the 45mm Apple Watch Series 8.
I believe the Apple Watch Pro will support older bands — though maybe they won’t fit as well or look as seamless given the size of the new watch.
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) August 29, 2022
The size increase lets Apple employ a larger battery to power the Apple Watch Pro. This could increase the battery life significantly, although we don’t have official estimates.
The new smartwatch should also be more durable than the other models, a feature that sports fans should also appreciate. As a result, the Watch Pro will have a different design from the Watch Series 8. We might be looking at flat edges and a flat screen for the Pro variant.
Given the size and design rumors, Apple Watch owners looking to buy the Pro might wonder whether their current band collection will work with the larger model. Gurman thinks the older bands might be compatible with the Apple Watch Pro. But the overall look might not be as good, given the size differences.
Renders showing Apple’s purported flat-screen Apple Watch design. Image source: Jon Prosser
Gurman’s take came just as leakers from China claimed the Apple Watch Pro will not be compatible with older bands. The Apple Watch Pro will reportedly feature a 47mm or 48mm display and flat edges.
Separately, a report from Macotakara said the Apple Watch Pro will have a 47mm flat screen.
Even if older bands work with the Apple Watch Pro, it’s unclear whether Pro bands will work with older models.
More Apple Watch coverage: For more Apple Watch news, visit our Apple Watch Series 8 guide.
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