Apple One bundles are going up, too.
Apple just announced pricing increases for several of its most popular services. You can expect to pay a few more dollars for Apple Music, Apple TV+, and any Apple One bundle with those services is getting a price hike too.
From what we’re seeing, these prices are going up for new and existing customers. According to 9to5Mac, Apple said that current subscribers would receive notifications of the price increases 30 days before service renewal.
So, how much more money do you have to spend? Apple Music is increasing in price by $1 per month or an extra $2 per month for family plans. That comes to $11.99 per month for individuals or $16.99 monthly for the family. It’s an interesting move, given so many competitors available in the space, but Apple says the increase is due to increased licensing costs.
Apple TV+ also sees an increase of $2, going from $4.99 to $6.99. Or, those with a yearly subscription to Apple TV+ will start paying $69 per year, an increase of $20. Then, as we mentioned above, those with an Apple One subscription will see increases of $2-3 depending on the plan.
For Apple Music, the increase will provide artists and songwriters with additional income for their music. Furthermore, Apple TV+ is getting a little bump considering the service has more content and a growing catalog for users.
While these aren’t the most significant price increases, with competition as stiff as ever, some may want to consider looking elsewhere. These changes are going into effect in the United States starting today, so keep an eye out for an email from Apple.
via 9to5Mac
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