Apple’s recent iOS 16 update added a number of features for the iPhone, including a verification step for AirPods. If you’re connecting official AirPods — such as the new AirPod Pro 2 earbuds announced last week, or the the sleek, neutral-toned AirPods created in collaboration with Kim Kardashian — or other compatible Bluetooth headphone devices, you likely won’t notice a difference.
On the other hand, if you’re attempting to connect earbuds that are fraudulently parading as AirPods, you may get a “cannot verify AirPods” message, indicating the earbuds are possibly a knockoff of official AirPods. A prominent “Don’t Connect” button appears below the alert, but you should still be able to connect via the Bluetooth settings.
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Apple does warn, however, that the unverified devices may not perform as expected. It’s unclear what performance issues users may experience when connecting unofficial AirPods, and Apple didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Along with the AirPod verification, new features of Apple’s latest operating system for iPhones, iPads and the like include the ability to edit and “unsend” messages, a customizable lock screen and upgrades to Focus Mode, among others.
If you haven’t downloaded the update yet, set aside an hour or so for it and keep in mind that not all devices are compatible with iOS16. Here’s how to check if your iPhone is compatible with iOS16.
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